Occupation des Pistes

Piste A Piste B Piste C
8:00 8:00
9:00 9:00
10:00 10:00
11:00 ICEMAN 50080

ICEMAN 50080

ICEMAN 50080

ICEMAN 50080

ICEMAN 50080

ICEMAN 50080

12:00 ICEMAN 50080

ICEMAN 50080

ICEMAN 50080

ICEMAN 50080

ICEMAN 50080

ICEMAN 50080

13:00 ICEMAN 50080

ICEMAN 50080

ICEMAN 50080

ICEMAN 50080

ICEMAN 50080

ICEMAN 50080

14:00 14:00
15:00 15:00
16:00 16:00
17:00 17:00
18:00 MATCH 69895

9ème End - Game of Stones

MATCH 69896

The Pandas - Millimètre

MATCH 69897

Curlingstones - As de Coeur'l

MATCH 69895

9ème End - Game of Stones

MATCH 69896

The Pandas - Millimètre

MATCH 69897

Curlingstones - As de Coeur'l

19:00 MATCH 69895

9ème End - Game of Stones

MATCH 69896

The Pandas - Millimètre

MATCH 69897

Curlingstones - As de Coeur'l

MATCH 69895

9ème End - Game of Stones

MATCH 69896

The Pandas - Millimètre

MATCH 69897

Curlingstones - As de Coeur'l

20:00 20:00
MATCH 69951

MacMorges - Tamalou

MATCH 69952

Pilules - Get Dolly

21:00 MATCH 69951

MacMorges - Tamalou

MATCH 69952

Pilules - Get Dolly

MATCH 69951

MacMorges - Tamalou

MATCH 69952

Pilules - Get Dolly

22:00 22:00